I found another thing I can't take pictures of: dreams. This morning: There was a lot of coming and going as I apparently don't know where I am when I'm dreaming, worrying about the opening hours of the London consulate (8-11). It was very hard to open the letter box with a strange little key and it was even harder to lock it, maybe i only pretended i did but i didn't. Also, there was a woman with blue hair with so many shades i couldn't take my eyes off her, but she just wanted me to work for her, while this friend of mine was also in town, coming to maybe meet me, from an english language course, which is strange because she is english.
the broken camera of my eyes
2013.10.26. 18:23I want to return to blogland. To other countries, not yet.
A bit apprehensive, as though I'd forgotten my 2002 self.
If it was handwriting, I'd make an effort to keep it legible, like I would, only on the first page of a new notebook.
Most notebooks fail to work, anyway, too small, to pen-incompatible - there's always an excuse not to write. And I always buy a new camera, I mean as soon as I break or fill with sand the previous one, so whatever I can take a picture of, I'm lazy to write about. Still, I might find some things I can't and then I will, about those.
This is a sort of new year resolution, not that new years start when we finish messing with the clocks for another six months. My nineth year on an island - the first one on the Odessy path to visit - begins.
curiosity cat stays put
2013.10.26. 18:05Strange neurosis of starting off on a journey, doubting whethee
Never mind.
2013.03.30. 10:55i need to change the details to protect the innocent. myself.
i'll sneak into a place and do something as very secretely as the girl in the film that smoked and the others didn't know. i'm planning to do it in the bathtub like she did the smoking.maybe one day i can tell you all the details.
yeah. done it. only taken what is rightfully mine. foam.
i have no idea when i wrote this.
Címkék: vélemény szandál
a dolgok legveleje
2012.08.09. 21:39én is jártam ott, azaz igyekeztem eljutni oda. a legeslegelejét kerestem - minek is, az irodalomnak, vagy a történelemnek. erre kifejezetten emlékszem.
ma találkoztam egy emberrel, azaz egy emberrel ma a következőig fajult a beszélgetés.
először csak azt mondta, hogy nem érti a fonetikai jeleket. pedig van ez a kis alkalmazás, érintőképernyős, megérintem-kimondja: ezen nem sok mindent lehet nem érteni. na, kiderült, hogy ez az ember valami hatalmas összefüggést keresett - hogy melyik betűt hogy kell kiejteni, és mindezt ezeken a jeleken át - hát erre az angol nem a legjobb nyelv.gondoltam, egy-két dolgot mondok neki - de már a c-nél sem figyelt, és az a és a b sem igazán kötötte le.